About Us

1. ACASH is an ‘ASSOCIATION OF CORPORATIONS AND APEX SOCIETIES OF HANDLOOMS’ which has been registered under the SOCIETIES REGISTRATION ACT, XXI OF 1860 vide Registration No.14687 dated 28th June, 1984.

2. The Registered office of Association is situated in the Union Territory of Delhi and at present it is Room No. 32 & 33, 3RD Floor, Handloom Haat, Janpath, New Delhi-110 001.

3. The Development Commissioner for Handlooms, Ministry of Textiles, Government of India is the ex-officio Chairman of the Association.

4. There are two Vice-Chairmen of the Association and both are nominated by the Development Commissioner for Handlooms. One is the Additional Development Commissioner for Handlooms and the other is a representative of one of the constituents, nominated by the Development Commissioner for Handlooms whose tenure is for 2 (Two) years.

5. The Secretary is appointed by the Executive Committee.

6. The aims & objectives for which the Association is established are:

a. To provide and arrange facilities in dissemination of useful knowledge, exchange of ideas, views and information on subjects of common interest to handloom organizations.

b. To assist member units in infrastructural development, preparation of profile and feasibility reports for establishment of processing facilities etc, transfer and development of handloom technology including the holding of training camps, seminars etc.;

c. To co-ordinate between various developmental agencies for projects and to provide information and assistance for members seeking aid from National and International agencies;

d. To co-ordinate participation of Member units in national and international Expos;

e. To co-ordinate and defuse useful knowledge to the member units towards marketing of handloom products;

f. To co-ordinate and assist for the exchange of handloom goods amongst constituent units, arrange Buyer-Seller Meets, and assist in the settlement of accounts thereof;

g. To collect information regarding handloom activities including market surveys and research and work as a Data Bank for the constituent units;

h. To assist the constituents in recruitment of managerial technical and accounting personnel;

i. To undertake publicity for the handloom sector in India and abroad;

j. To work for legislative and other safeguards for protection of handloom industry;

k. To evolve systems of coordination of quality control for handloom products;

l. Establishment of handloom complexes;

m. To seek representation for the Association on the various committees, bodies, delegations, teams etc. set up by the Central or the State Governments in connection with the handloom;

n. To help establish linkages with national and international organizations for marketing of handloom products;

o. To take up welfare schemes for the handloom sector;

p. To generally do all other things incidental to the attainment of the above objectives.

All the incomes, earnings, moveable or immoveable properties of the Association are to be solely utilized and applied towards the promotion of its aims and objects only as set forth in the Memorandum of Association and no portion thereof is to be paid or transferred directly or indirectly by way of dividends, bonus, profit or in any manner, whatsoever to the present or past members of the Association or to any claiming through any one or more of the present of the past members. No member of the Association shall have any personal claim on any moveable or immoveable properties of the Association and make any profit, whatsoever, by virtue of his membership.
The following type of organizations are eligible for the membership of ACASH:
i. All State Level Apex Co-operative Handloom Societies.
ii. All State Handloom Development Corporations
iii. National or Inter-State Handloom Apexes and Corporations
Constitution of the Executive Committee:
(i) Chairman
(ii) 2 (Two) Vice-Chairman
(iii) 7 (Seven) members from among the constituents members as nominated by the Chairman.

Source of Income:
(i) Subscription from the Members
(ii) Grants from Government
(iii) Contributions from members or any other organizations
Utilization of Funds:
(i) Administration of the Association
(ii) For undertaking activities towards the aims and objectives Association as defined in Article 3 of Memorandum of Association.
Rights and Privileges of Members:
A member shall have one vote in the Annual or Special General Meeting and the vote shall be exercised by the duly authorized representative.
General Body:
General Body shall consist of the Chairman and Vice-Chairman, ex-officio and the authorized representative of all the members of the Association.